Young people in care

Counselling for young people in care in Taunton -somerset and across the UK online

Counselling for young people in care in Taunton - Somerset.

I provide Counselling for young people in care in Taunton with the aim to increase the mental health and well-being of 13–19-year-old young people in care or leaving care. Young people in care are four times more likely to experience mental health problems than the average young person. Many young people in care experience poor emotional wellbeing and some experience diagnosable mental health problems. These can be caused by pre-care experiences or by the impact of being in care. Without appropriate and timely support and treatment, poor mental health can have a significant impact on future life experiences. This may be caused by the effects of abuse and neglect or other pre-care experiences, perhaps as an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child, as a result of a disability or the death of a caregiver. Young people’s experiences of entering care may also have an impact on their emotional wellbeing. Coming into care means separation from parents, and often siblings and possibly a new school. Unfamiliar adults will enter a young person’s life, and the young person will live in a new house with new rules. Young people may present with needs relating to their emotional wellbeing and mental health at any time.

              Counselling for young people in care in Taunton- Somerset.

Care leavers are at greater risk of living in poor accommodation and not being in education, employment or training – all things that can have an impact on a young person’s emotional and mental health.

Once a young person leaves care, they are entitled to less support from social services. Care leavers have to navigate the health system with little guidance, or even alone.

In immediate terms of therapy, a young person feels more confident, understands themselves better, manages their emotional needs better, and may show improved relationships with their peers. In the slightly longer run, we see some young people in care getting therapy returning to mainstream education, others taking up training at colleges, and others may find employment. Some young people have radically changed their life for the better as a result of counselling.

Since its inception, I hope our project can help many young people in the Somerset area, and for many, it may be transformational and would help them change the path in life they are taking for good.

For more information about Counselling for young people in care in Taunton please contact us.